Where We Come From. 

Our school newspaper – founded in 1941 as the Greystone Gazette – has undergone many changes over the years. In 1961, it was renamed to The Record. Five years later, in 1965, it underwent another name change, becoming The Circle. Today, students, alumni, parents, faculty, and staff call it the Marist Circle. As technology developed, so too did the paper. In 2000, the Marist Circle developed its first-ever website, balancing content between traditional print and modern online media. In 2015, the Marist Circle joined the communications department in its launch of the Marist Media Hub – bringing all media outlets on campus together on one site. Today, the Marist Circle runs dual-distribution online and in print. Print is distributed on the Marist Poughkeepsie campus every other Tuesday on our newsstands in all academic and residential buildings.

Where We Are Going.

In 2016, a group of dedicated students began planning initiatives in an effort to revive the Marist Circle. Utilizing social media, these students created a branch of the Marist Circle known as Marist Circle Initiatives. The students created For the Record and Marist Stories. Marist Stories was modeled after the Humans of New York social media initiative. For The Record was named after the school newspaper of 1961-1964, and this initiative would go on to highlight some of the best and brightest which Marist had to offer – detailing stories of inspiring students at Marist College both in print and online that won the Marist Student Government Association’s “Club Event of the Year” in 2017. For the Record continues to be produced by successive Marist Circle editors.

What We Believe In. 

There have been many changes over the newspaper’s 83 years and going. However, our mission has remained constant: we have been – and always will be – a newspaper for the students, by the students. With articles published daily, we aim to provide unbiased, engaging and professional news to the Marist community. As we push into the future, we will continue improving upon the Marist Circle, and we promise – there are many more changes to come.