Terms and Conditions




First and foremost, we are a student-run news organization. Although we are not professionals in the field, this does not delegitimize our words or ethical commitment to bring the truth to our audience.

We uphold a commitment to integrity in reporting the facts and do not insert ourselves in our reporting. We strive to create an atmosphere of free thought and useful information. We seek to honestly craft awareness through the power of words. This is a responsibility we accept and a resilience we are committed to bear. We do not condone censorship of any kind.

Prior to the posting of information, our reporters are committed to a standard of uncovering factual information, as well as making contact with any and all sources available that would provide further accuracy to a story. We do not condone inaccuracies, false information or bias of any kind. If questions surrounding the legitimacy of information posted are posed, we will be sure to look into such requests. If information is false, we are charged with the responsibility to correct it. We do not plagiarize, and we cite our sources and information.

We do not gloss over truth regardless of the medium — print, photo, video or social media. We strive to uphold transparency on all accounts of reporting. We seek to portray balance in our storytelling. All negativity or positivity inherent in our depictions are derived from this balanced approach.

In regards to user comments made under Circle articles, we have no control over reader speculation and their own exercise of free speech. Our comment section is an invitation to engage readers in a forum of discussion. Comments should not be taken as fact. Again, as we do not condone censorship of our organization, we will similarly not exercise censorship in our comment section.

Our standards and principles are predicated on the values listed above, our responsibility to tell the truth is our bond. This code will take effect immediately.

All questions should be directed to our primary email account: writethecircle@gmail.com.