Security Beat: Halloween-Haters and Egg-Throwers
Credit: Archives and Special Collections at Marist College
While conducting annual safety inspections before fall break on Oct. 19, three separate marijuana drug violations were discovered in Ward Hall, Upper Fulton and Upper West Cedar. The possessors have been identified, and all three cases are currently under judicial referral.
On the night of Oct. 14, criminal mischief arose in Foy as students complained that eggs had been thrown at their door. Neither the culprits nor the intent of the crime could be identified through security footage. As a result, the case has been considered closed.
A pottery case was broken in the Steel Plant on Oct. 7. The individual who broke it was identified, and the case is now closed.
Shortly after decorating for Halloween, students in Upper West complained of their decorations being damaged on Oct. 20. The destructors have been identified, and the case has been closed.
A disorderly conduct case was brought to security on Oct. 6 after a group of non-student individuals on campus were rude and aggressive to a DoorDash driver. The case has been closed.
An incident involving non-consensual touching from Dec. of 2022 in a non-disclosed resident hall is currently being addressed under Title IX.
A verbal harassment case that occurred on Oct. 9 over a roommate dispute in Ward Hall is currently under judicial referral.
An incident of forgery occurred after a fake ID was brought to the security office on Oct. 14. The case is currently under judicial referral.
On Oct. 23, an individual was found trespassing in the load dock area. After identifying the individual as a non-student, an arrest was warranted by the Poughkeepsie Police Department.