Letter from the Managing Editor

My college experience has turned out far different than I imagined when I stepped onto Marist’s campus in the fall of 2019. Like most freshmen, I came in afraid to make new friends and be away from home. Little did I know that only a few months later, our college experience would be permanently altered by a global pandemic.

During the pandemic, I filled the void of human contact with work. I spent my days doing homework and covering every breaking news story on campus. Despite all the chaos in the world, journalism has always been a constant in my life. 

The past four years were a pivotal time to be a student journalist. With a pandemic, political polarization and social issues, there was never a shortage of news to cover. The opportunities that I was afforded at the Marist Circle were unique and allowed me to develop my skills and passion for journalism. 

Before coming to Marist, I had never written an article. Despite having no journalism experience, Tara Guaimano, the Editor in Chief of the Marist Circle in 2019, took me under her wing and showed me the ins and outs of our newspaper. I had never felt so attached and committed to my work. Within a few weeks, I realized journalism was my passion, and I was willing to do anything to improve. 

By my sophomore year, I was the Campus News Editor. In that position, I was taught editing techniques by former Editor-in-Chief Sarah Lynch ’21 and Managing Editor Grace Maeda ’21. During that time, I covered stories regarding COVID-19, mental health, food insecurity and racial inequality. As I became more involved in journalism, I recognized my love for telling people’s stories and creating change. 

By my junior year, I was named the paper’s Managing Editor under our Editor-in-Chief, Lauryn Starke ’23. With help from an amazing editorial staff, Lauryn and I have overseen the editing and publishing process of more than 20 print editions. Being a voice for students on campus has been my greatest honor at Marist.

The work we do at the Marist Circle would not be possible without our talented group of 2022-2023 section editors; Sam Murphy, Emily Stellakis, Sasha Tuddenham, Erin-Leigh Hoffman and Amanda Dibre. In addition, the newspaper would not be in print without Madison Lisowski, the Campus News Editor and Chief of Graphic Design. I would also like to thank our Multimedia Director, Amanda Nessel, and our Marketing Director, Anaiya Bobo, who ensure the newspaper gets to the Marist community. 

In the years to come, I know that the Marist Circle will continue to grow and evolve. I am confident that next year’s team, led by our new Editor-in-Chief Sam Murphy ’24 and Managing Editor Emily Stellakis ’24, will keep the community informed as we enter the 2023-2024 academic year.

As for myself, I will be continuing my education in journalism at Syracuse University. Starting in July, I will enter the Magazine, News and Digital Journalism master’s program. Marist has prepared me for the work and challenges I will face at the Newhouse School of Journalism, and I can’t wait to continue growing in this field. 

Thank you to the Marist community for reading and supporting our work. And to the Marist Circle staff, thank you for making this experience unforgettable. The Marist Circle will forever hold a special place in my heart. Although it’s hard to say goodbye, I know this publication is in good hands for the future.


Greta Stuckey

Marist Circle Managing Editor ‘23

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