Campus Security Update: Spilled Water and Discharged Fire Extinguishers
Source: Greta Stuckey
On April 13, there was a report of criminal mischief in Midrise when a student found that someone had intentionally poured water under the entrance of their dorm. On that same day, there was also a report of harassment in Upper West Cedar where one student slapped another student.
On April 14, a Lower West Cedar window was reported broken by someone throwing an object from outside the dorm.
Marist Security was informed by the Title IX office that a sexual assault in the Midrise parking lot was reported on April 15.
Within the past two weeks, there were two instances of larceny––one in Marian on April 16 involving a fire extinguisher that was removed from its case and another in Lower Fulton on April 20 involving clothes that were left overnight in the dryer. A fire extinguisher was also involved in a report of disorderly conduct in Ward Hall, where it was inappropriately discharged.
On April 25, there was a report of trespassing when a student who had been removed from the college returned and was seen in Lower Fulton.
On April 27, security was informed by the Title IX office of a report of harassment that occured in Foy. The report is being investigated by Title IX and is under judicial referral.